Miller, Jeff / Deutsch, Jonathan 2009. Food Studies. An Introduction to Research Methods. Oxford, Berg. - / de.
Page 3: "The term Food studies tends to mean two different things in the field:
1. A collective of people studying food and people from a variety of humanities and social science perspectives. The Association for the study of food and society, for example, is a food studies organization comprised of food historians, food anthropologists, sociologists of food, nutritionists, interdisciplinary food scholars, and others who gather to discuss their work. Similarly, the journal Gastronomica, which publishes an electric range of scholarly and literary writing as well as art that explores food and people, would be considered a food studies journal. In this way, food studies is multidisciplinary.
2. The interdisciplinary field of food and culture investigates people’s relationships with food from a range of humanities and social science perspectives, often times in combination. For example, Krishnendu Ray’s (2008) work on ethnic restaurants, which incorporates theory and methods from sociology, business, and history, is practicing interdisciplinary food studies. Often food studies scholars have training in one particular discipline but incorporate theories and methods from other disciplines to take an interdisciplinary approach. Other scholars may be trained in the field of food studies but not in any predominant discipline."
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