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Philosophy and Cultural Studies meet Wine.
"The history of civilization is, in many ways, the history of wine." McGovern, Patrick E.
Selected Academic Resources:
UNESCO Chair in Dijon“Culture et Traditions du Vin”
Université du Vin de Suze-la-Rousse
University of Applied Sciences in Eisenstadt - International Wine Marketing
UniCeSV - Centre for the strategic development of the Italian wine sector is an administrative unit of the University of Florence.
University of California Press - Subject Wine
Wine and Spirit Education Trust (WSET)
Selected Bibliography Books and Articles in PDF Format: (see also the expanded bibliography)
Allhoff, Fritz (ed.) 2008. Wine & Philosophy: A Symposium on Thinking and Drinking. Malden, MA, Blackwell. – amazon.de, amazon.com
Allhoff, Fritz (ed.) 2009. Whiskey and Philosophy: A Small Batch of Spirited Ideas. Malden, MA, Blackwell. amazon.com
Black, Rachel / Ulin, Robert C. (ed.) 2013. Wine and Culture: Vineyard to Glass. London, Bloomsbury.
Colman, Tyler 2008. Wine Politics: How Governments, Environmentalists, Mobsters, and Critics Influence the Wines We Drink. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press. - amazon.de
Demossier, Marion 2010. Wine Drinking Culture in France: A National Myth or a Modern Passion? Cardiff, Wales, University of Wales. - amazon.de
Johnson, Hugh 2005. Weingeschichte. Von Dionysos bis Rothschild. (1989, 2004. The Story of Wine). München, Hallwag. - amazon.de
Johnson, Hugh / Robinson, Jancis 2007. The World Atlas of Wine, 6th edition (Hardcover). London, Mitchell Beazley. - amazon.de
McGovern, Patrick E. 2003. Ancient Wine: The Search for the Origins of Viniculture. Princeton, Princeton University Press.
Nossiter, Jonathan 2010. Liquid Memory: Why Wine Matters. New York, Farrar, Straus and Giroux. - amazon.de
Nossiter, Jonathan 2004. Mondovino. New York, ThinkFilm. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mondovino
Pinney, Thomas 2007. A History of Wine in America, Volume 1: From the Beginnings to Prohibition. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.
Pinney, Thomas 2007. A History of Wine in America, Volume 2: From Prohibition to the Present. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.
Rivista di Estetica / Perullo, Nicolla (eds.) 2012. Wineworld new essays on wine, taste, philosophy and aesthetics (Volume 51/3).
Robinson, Jancis / Harding, Julia / Vouillamoz, Jose 2012. Wine Grapes: A Complete Guide to 1,368 Vine Varieties, Including Their Origins and Flavours -1242 Pages. London, Penguin Books. http://winegrapes.org
Robinson, Jancis (ed.) 2006. The Oxford Companion to Wine, 3. Edition (Hardcover, 840 pages). Oxford, Oxford University Press. - amazon.de
Scruton, Roger 2011. Ich trinke, also bin ich: Eine philosophische Verführung zum Wein. München, Diederichs. - amazon.de
Scruton, Roger 2009. I Drink Therefore I Am: A Philosopher's Guide to Wine. New York, NY, Continuum. - amazon.com
Smith, Barry C. (ed.) 2007. Questions of Taste. The Philosophy of Wine. New York, NY, Oxford University Press. - amazon.com
Thornton, James 2013. American Wine Economics. An Exploration of the U.S. Wine Industry. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.
Todd, Cain 2010. The Philosophy of Wine: A Case of Truth, Beauty and Intoxication. Durham, Acumen.
Trubek, Amy B. 2008. The taste of place: a cultural journey into terroir. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.
Varriano, John L. 2010. Wine. A Cultural History. London, Reaktion Books. - amazon.de
Veseth, Mike 2011. Wine Wars: The Curse of the Blue Nun, the Miracle of Two Buck Chuck, and the Revenge of the Terroirists. Lanham, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. http://wineeconomist.com
Warner, Nicholas O. (ed.) 2012. In Vino Veritas : An Anthology of Drinking in Literature. Jefferson, NC, McFarland.
Wilson, James E. 1998. Terroir: the role of geology, climate, and culture in the making of French wines. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press.
Selected Bibliography / Articles:
Bowie, A. M. 1997. Thinking with Drinking. Wine and the Symposium in Aristophanes. Journal of Hellenic Studies 117: 1-21.
Demossier, Marion 2011. Beyond terroir: territorial construction, hegemonic discourses, and French wine culture. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 17(4): 685-705.
Devonish, Hubert 2011. 'Wine', Women and Song: The More Things Change… Sexuality and Culture 15(4): 332-344.
Fretter, William B. 1971. Is Wine an Art Object? Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 30: 97-100.
Howland, Peter J. 2013. Distinction by proxy: The democratization of fine wine. Journal of Sociology 49: 325-340.
Mouret, Marion / et al. 2013. Social representations of wine and culture: A comparison between France and New Zealand. Food Quality and Preference 30(2): 102-107.
North, Adrian 2012. The effect of background music on the taste of wine. British Journal of Psychology 103 (3): 293-301.
Peters, Michael A. 2009. Dreams of Dionysus. Wine, Philosophy and Eros. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations 8: 36-52.
Saunders, Ben 2012. J. S. Mill's Conception of Utility. Utilitas 22 (1): 52-69.
Smith, Barry C. 2013. Taste, Philosophical Perspectives. In. Pashler, Harold E. (ed.). Encyclopedia of the Mind. Los Angeles, Sage Publication: 731-734.
Smith, Barry C. 2012. Perspective: Complexities of Flavour. Nature 486 (S6)
Smith, Barry C. 2014. The nature of sensory experience. The case of taste and tasting. https://sas.academia.edu/BarrySmith
Smith, Barry C. 2007. The Objectivity of Taste and Tasting. In. Smith, Barry (ed.). Questions of Taste. The Philosophy of Wine. Oxford, OUP: 41-77.
Trubek, Amy B. 2004. Incorporating Terroir: L'Affaire Mondavi. Gastronomica 4 (3): 90-99.
Universität Wien: Instituts für Alte Geschichte und Altertumskunde Papyrologie und Epigraphik 2014.04.09. Trinkgelage der Antike. http://medienportal.univie.ac.at/uniview/forschung/detailansicht/artikel/trinkgelage-der-antike/
See also: The World of Fine Wine. www.finewinemag.com
"The first cultural journal of the wine world." Hugh Johnson OBE
www.decanter.com/books/title-index.php - www.octopusbooks.co.uk/books/wine
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