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About FEWD FOCUS IEE – Interdisziplinäre ErnährungsEhtik
In association with agricultural and animal ethics, the multidisciplinary research area of food and nutrition ethics has recently developed into an autonomous field of study within the framework of applied ethics. This is particularly evident in the foundation of professional associations such as the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics- EurSafe. EurSafe perpetually offers profound information both through their congress proceedings, as well as in their collaboration with the specialized periodical Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics.
In german-speaking regions, the annual "Der kritische Agrarbericht" (The critical agricultural report) has provided fundamental reflections on the subject of the ethics of food and nutrition since 1993.
It is the continuous endeavor of FEWD FOCUS IEE since 2002, to supply the public and especially teachers and students of various disciplines with relevant information in regards to the current discussions.
Important contributions to german speaking countries have been made by the "Deutsche Netzwerk Ernährungsethik" (German network of food ethics), "Internationale Arbeitskreis für Kulturforschung des Essens" ( International study group for the cultural research of food) and Zentrum für Gastrosophie (Center of gastrosophy) at the University of Salzburg.
In regards to english-speaking regions, especially relevant facilities would be:
Philosophy of Food Project, University of Texas
Critical Studies in Food and Culture - CSFC, University of California
Association for the Study of Food and Culture, USA
Food Ethics Council, GB
Food Climate Research Network, University of Surrey
Social & Cultural Food Studies, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Union of Concerned Scientist - Food and Agriculture, USA
Worldwatch www.worldwatch.org/programs/agriculture-
Boston Universtiy Metropolitan College, initiated the first MA of LAG worldwide in 1991 Master of Liberal Arts in Gastronomy
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstr. 7, Stock 3
A-1010 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-474 71