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Abstract: Vegetarianism - from Asceticism to ethical Hedonism

The focus of research Vegetarianism – From Asceticism to Ethical Hedonism seeks – for the first time in terms of studies in the German language – to challenge the prevalent idea of vegetarianism, and especially veganism as being rigid and ascetic lifestyles.

To this end, there is a need for an increased exchange of information between academics and multipliers such as journalists, teachers and restauranteurs in relevant studies and publications etc.

The main goal is – in the context of a pluralistic society – to bring vegetarianism / veganism into the public arena of debate, and to do so more effectively using ethical hedonistic arguments. Thereby reinforcing it as a subject in interdisciplinary academic discourse as well as in wider public debate. The arguments for ethical hedonism follow in the tradition of enlightened humanism.


Forschungsstelle für Ethik und Wissenschaft im Dialog - FEWD
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstr. 7, Stock 3
A-1010 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-474 71
Universität Wien | Universitätsring 1 | 1010 Wien | T +43-1-4277-0