The FEWD research area tries to organise a interdisciplinary conference on the different aspects of vegetarianism.
Usefull ressources:
American Dietetic Association (ADA) - Vegetarian Nutrition Dietetics Practice Group (VNDPG), The VNDPG comprises over 1,200 members.
5th International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition, Loma Linda University
40th International Vegetarian Congress, San Francisco 2012.10.05-11
Forschungsstelle für Ethik und Wissenschaft im Dialog - FEWD
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstr. 7, Stock 3
A-1010 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-474 71
Institut für Philosophie
Universitätsstr. 7, Stock 3
A-1010 Wien
T: +43-1-4277-474 71