Economy and Vegetarianism - (2013.09.18)
Zum Themenkomplex " Economy and Vegetarianism / Veganism / Plant Based Nutrition" gibt es leider noch sehr wenige fachwissenschaftliche Publikationen. Es konnten sich zwar in den letzten Jahrzenten zusätzlich relevante Zeitschriften wie z. B. Ecological Economics seit 1989, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review seit 1993 und International Journal of Ecological Economics & Statistics seit 2001 etablieren. Doch nur sehr wenige Artikel erschienen zum Thema Vegetarismus, siehe noch 2009 bei Lusk, Jayson L. / Norwood, Bailey F. 2009. Some Economic Benefits and Costs of Vegetarianism. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 38(2): 109-124. “Given the stated aim of the vegetarianism advocates and the increased acceptance of vegetarianism as a lifestyle choice, it is surprising that so little work on the economics of vegetarianism has been conducted. For example, a search for the word "vegetarian" in the database EconLit yielded only 5 peer-reviewed journal articles, and only one of these explicitly attempted to investigate the economic effects of vegetarianism.”
Nachfolgend daher nur eine kleine uns bisher bekannte Auswahl an Publikationen. Für Anregungen und Ergänzungen bitte email an Wobei das aktuelle populärwissenschaftliche Buch von D. Simon sich nur als Inspiration für den genannten Themenkomplex versteht. Simon, David Richard 2010. MeatonomicsSan Francisco, CA, Conari Press. wissenschaftlich relevantere Aussagen über das Buch unter
Recherche aus
Zu Beginn die derzeit noch sehr wenigen Texte die in „Economy“ Journals erschienen und dann zusätzlich vielleicht noch relevante Texte.
Lusk, Jayson L. / Norwood, Bailey F. 2009. Some Economic Benefits and Costs of Vegetarianism. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 38(2): 109-124.
de Boer, Joop / Aiking, Harry 2011. On the merits of plant-based proteins for global food security: Marrying macro and micro perspectives. Ecological Economics 70: 1259-1265.
Frank, Joshua 2007. Meat as a bad habit: A case for positive feedback in consumption preferences leading to lock-in. Review of Social Economy 65(3): 319-348.
Albersmeier, Friederike / Spiller, Achim 2010. Die Reputation der Fleischwirtschaft: Eine Kausalanalyse. (The Reputation of the German Meat Sector: A Structural Equation Model. With English summary.). German Journal of Agricultural Economics 59(4): 258-270.
Lombardini, Chiara / Lankoski, Leena 2013. Forced Choice Restriction in Promoting Sustainable Food Consumption: Intended and Unintended Effects of the Mandatory Vegetarian Day in Helsinki Schools. Journal of Consumer Policy 36: 159-178.
Cole, Matthew / et al. 2009. Animal foods and climate change: Shadowing eating practices. International Journal of Consumer Studies 33(2): 162-167.
Vanham, Davy 2013. The water footprint of Austria for different diets. Water Science and Technology 67(4): 824-30. doi: 10.2166/wst.2012.623.
Vanham, Davy / Mekonnen, M. M. / Hoekstra, Arjen 2013. The water footprint of the EU for different diets. Ecological Indicators 32: 1-8.
Meier, Toni / Christen, Olaf 2013. Environmental Impacts of Dietary Recommendations and Dietary Styles. Germany As an Example. Environmental Science and Technology 47(2): 877-888.
Schmidinger, Kurt / Stehfest, Elke 2012. Including CO2 implications of land occupation in LCAs-method and example for livestock products. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17(6): 962-972.
D’Silva, Joyce (ed.) 2010. The Meat Crisis: Developing More Sustainable Production and Consumption London, Earthscan.
Yates, Roger 2010. Making a Killing: The Political Economy of Animal Rights. Sociology 44(1): 171-172.
Stull, Donald D. / Broadway, Michael J. ²2012, 2003. Slaughterhouse Blues: The Meat and Poultry Industry in North America. Belmont, CA, Wadsworth Publishing.
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