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Lamey, Andy 2007. Food Fight! Davis versus Regan on the Ethics of Eating Beef. Journal of Social Philosophy 38(2): 331-348.

Larrson, Christel L. 2002. Thesis: Young vegetarians and omnivores. Dietary habits and other health-related aspects. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition 46(1): 48-49. now open acces: Food & Nutrition Research

Larsson, Christel L. /  et al. 2003. Veganism as status passage: The process of becoming a vegan among youths in Sweden. Appetite 41: 61-67.  

Larsson, Christel L. /  Johansson, Gunnar K. 2005. Research and Professional Briefs. Young Swedish Vegans Have Different Sources of Nutrients than Young Omnivores. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105(9): 1438-1441.    

Lawrence, Valerie 1993. Is vegetarianism a diet or an ideology? (p. 999. Changes in restaurant industry point to growth of vegetarian movement). Canadian Medical Association Journal  148(6): 998-1002.

Lea, Emma / Worsley, Anthony 2001. Influences on meat consumption in Australia. Appetite 32: 127-136.

Lea, Emma /  Worsley, Anthony 2003. Benefits and barriers to the consumption of a vegetarian diet in Australia. Public Health Nutrition 6(5): 505-511.

Lea, Emma 2003. The promise of plant based foods - New directions? Food Australia 55(10): 467-472

LeBlanc, Ronald D. 2009. Slavic Sins of the Flesh: Food, Sex, and Carnal Appetite in Nineteenth-Century Russian Fiction. Durham, MD, Univ. of New Hampshire Press.

Leneman, Leah 1997. The awakened instinct: vegetarianism and the women's suffrage movement in Britain. Women's History Review 6(2): 271-287.

Leneman, Leah 1999. No animal food: The road to veganism in Britain, 1909-1944. Society and Animals 7(3): 219-228.

Lindeman, Marjaana 2001. Food choice ideologies: the modern manifestations of normative and humanist views of the world. Appetite 37(3): 175-184.

Lindeman, Marjaana 2002. The state of mind of vegetarians: Psychological well-being or distress? Ecology of Food and Nutrition 41(1): 75 - 86.

Loughnan, Steve /  et al. 2010. The role of meat consumption in the denial of moral status and mind to meat animals. Appetite 55: 156-159.

Lucas, Sheri 2005. A Defense of the Feminist-Vegetarian Connection. Hypatia 20(1): 150-177.

MacNair, Rachel 1998. The psychology of becoming a vegetarian. Vegetarian Nutrition: An International Journal 2: 96-102.

MacNair, Rachel 2001. Commentary: McDonald's "Empirical Look at Becoming Vegan. Society and Animals 9: 63-69.

MacNair, Rachel. 2001? Bibliography on the Psychology and Sociology of Becoming or Remaining Vegetarian and/or Vegan

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Matheny, Gaverick 2003. Least Harm: A Defense of Vegetarianism from Steven Davis's Omnivorous Proposal. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16(5): 505-511.

Maurer, Donna 1995. Meat as a Soccial Problem: Rhetorical Strategies in the Contemporary Vegetarian Literature. In:  Maurer, Donna /  Sobal, Jeffery (Hg.). Eating Agendas: Food and Nutrition as Social Problems. Hawthorne, De Gruyter: 143-163.


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McDonald, Barbara 2000. Once you know something, you can’t not know it: An empirical look at becoming vegan. Society and Animals 8: 1-23.

McDonald, Barbara /  Cervero, Ronald M. /  Courtenay, Bradley C. 1999. An Ecological Perspective of Power in Transformational Learning. A Case Study of Ethical Vegans. Adult Education Quarterly 50(1): 5-23.

McGrath, Emma  2000. The Politics of Veganism. Social Alternatives 19(4): 50-59.Menzies, Ken / Sheeshka, Judy 2012. The Process of Exiting Vegetarianism: An Exploratory Study. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 73(4): 163-168.

Merriman, Ben 2010. Gender differences in family and peer reaction to the adoption of a vegetarian diet. Feminism & Psychology 20(3): 420-427.

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Morris, Carol /  Kirwan, James 2006. Vegetarians: Uninvited, Uncomfortable or Special Guests at the Table of the Alternative Food Economy? Sociologia Ruralis 46: 192-213.

Neale, R. J. /  et al. 1993. Women Vegetarians: Lifestyle Considerations and Attitudes to Vegetarianism. Nutrition & Food Science 93(1): 24 - 27.-

Nobis, Nathan 2002. Vegetarianism and Virtue: Does Consequentialism Demand Too Little? Social Theory and Practice 28(1): 135-156.

Nobis, Nathan 2008. Reasonable Humans and Animals: An Argument for Vegetarianism. Between the Species. 13. (Online journal)

Norcross, Alastair 2004. Puppies, Pigs, and People: Eating Meat and Marginal Cases. Nous-Supplement: Philosophical Perspectives 18: 229-245.

Norcross, Alastair 2004. Torturing Puppies and Eating Meat: It's All in Good Taste. Southwest Philosophy Review 20(1): 117-123.

Norcross, Alastair 2012. Puppies, Pigs, and Potency: A Response to Galvin and Harris. Ethics, Policy and Environment 15: 384-388.

Parry, Jovian 2010. Gender and slaughter in popular gastronomy. Feminism & Psychology 20(3): 381-396.

Perrett, Roy W. 1993. Moral Vegetarianism and the Indian Tradition. In:  Smart, Ninian (ed.). Ethical and Political Dilemmas of Modern India. New York, St Martin's Press.

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Potter-Dunlop, Julie A. / Tse, Alice M.  2012. Dietary Issues Inpatients Face With Being Vegetarian. An Integrative Review. Holistic Nursing Practice 26: 30-37.
Potts, Annie /  White, Mandala 2008. New Zealand Vegetarians: At Odds with Their Nation. Society and Animals 16(4): 336-353.

Potts, Annie /  Parry, Jovian 2010. Vegan Sexuality: Challenging Heteronormative Masculinity through Meat-free Sex. Feminism & Psychology 20(1): 53-72.

Povey, Rachel /  et al. 2001. Attitudes towards following meat, vegetarian and vegan diets: An examination of the role of ambivalence. Appetite 37: 15-26.

Powell, Kimberly A. 2002. Lifestyle as rhetorical transaction: A case study of the vegetarian movement in the United States. Atlantic Journal of Communication 10(2): 169 -190. 

Reid, Rachel Louise /  Hackett, Alan 2002. A database of vegetarian foods. British Food Journal 104(11): 873-880.

Regan, Tom 1980. Utilitarianism, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights. Philosophy and Public Affairs 9: 305-324.

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Roy, Parama  2002. Meat-Eating, Masculinity, and Renunciation in India: A Gandhian Grammar of Diet. Gender & History 14(1): 62-91.      

Rozin, Paul, et al. 1997. Moralization and becoming a vegetarian: The transformation of preferences into values and the recruitment of disgust. Psychological Science, 8, 67-73.

Ruby, Matthew /  Heine, Steven 2011. Meat, morals, and masculinity. Appetite 56: 447-450. -

Saba, Anna / et al. 1998. A study on the mediating role of intention in the impact of habit and attitude on meat consumption. Food Quality and Preference 10: 69-77

Sabate, Joan /  et al. 1999. Publication trends of vegetarian nutrition articles in biomedical literature, 1966-1995. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 70(3): 601S-607S.

Santos, M. L. S. /  Booth, David A. 1996. Influences on meat avoidance among British students. Appetite 27(3): 197-205.

Saunders, Jennifer B. 2007. 'I don't eat meat'. Contributions to Indian Sociology 41(2): 203-223.

Schwarz, Thomas 2005. Veganismus und das ‚Recht der Tiere’. In: W. H. Breyvogel (Ed.), Eine Einführung in Jugendkulturen. Veganismus und Tattoos. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. 69-163.

Sieke, Erin / et al. 2013. Drivers of disordered eating in university students reporting vegetarian diets. Journal of Adolescent Health 52(2): S38-S39.

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Simmonds, Tara 2006. An Exploration of the Sprout: The Complex Nature of Food and Ideology in a Vegetarian Restaurant. Culture et tradition = Culture and tradition 28: 82-99.

Smart, Andrew 2004. Adrift in the mainstream: challenges facing the UK vegetarian movement. British Food Journal 106(2): 79-92.

Sneijder, Petra 2005. Moral logic and logical morality. Attributions of responsibility and blame in online discourse on veganism. Discourse & Society 16(5): 675-696.

Sneijder, Petra 2009. Normalizing ideological food choice and eating practices. Identity work in online discussions on veganism. Appetite 52: 621-630.

Smith, Mick 2002. The ‘Ethical' Space of the Abattoir: On the (In)human(e) Slaughter of Other Animals. Human Ecology Review 9(2): 49-58. -

Sobal, Jeffery 2005. Men, meat, and marriage: Models of masculinity. Food and Foodways 13: 135-158.

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Zamir, Tzachi 2004. Veganism. Journal of Social Philosophy 35(3): 367-379

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