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2014 (last update 2014.07.04)
Loughnan, Steve / Bastian, Brock / Haslam, Nick 2014. The Psychology of Eating Animals. Current Directions in Psychological Science 23 (2): 104-108.
Van Dooren, C. / et al. 2014. Exploring dietary guidelines based on ecological and nutritional values: A comparison of six dietary patterns. Food Policy 44: 36-46.
Gruber, Manuela 2013. Die Zukunft is(s)t vegetarisch: Der Wandel von einer fleischdominierten Esskultur zu einer vegetarischen Ernährungsweise. Hamburg, Diplomica Verlag.
Hoffman, Sarah R. / Stallingsa, Sarah F. / Bessingera, Raymond C. / Brooksb, Gary T. 2013. Differences between health and ethical vegetarians: strength of conviction, nutrition knowledge, dietary restriction, and duration of adherence. Research report. Appetite 65:139-144.
Hoek, Annet C. / et al. 2013. Are meat substitutes liked better over time? A repeated in-home use test with meat substitutes or meat in meals. Food Quality and Preference 28(1): 253-263.
Lombardini, Chiara / Lankoski, Leena 2013. Forced Choice Restriction in Promoting Sustainable Food Consumption: Intended and Unintended Effects of the Mandatory Vegetarian Day in Helsinki Schools. Journal of Consumer Policy 36: 159-178.
Mäkiniemi, Jaana-Piia / Vainio, Annukka 2013. Moral intensity and climate-friendly food choices. Appetite 65: 54-61
McPherson, Tristram 2013. A Case for Ethical Veganism. Intuitive and methodological considerations. Journal of Moral Philosophy 10 (August): 1-27.
Meier, Toni / Christen, Olaf 2013. Environmental Impacts of Dietary Recommendations and Dietary Styles. Germany As an Example. Environmental Science and Technology 47(2): 877-888.
Mendes, Elisabeth 2013. An Application of the Transtheoretical Model to Becoming Vegan. Social Work in Public Health 28 (2): 142-149.
Ruby, Matthew / et al. 2013. Compassion and contamination: Cultural differences in vegetarianism. Appetite 71: 340-348.
Shprintzen, Adam D. 2013. The Vegetarian Crusade. The Rise of an American Reform Movement. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press.
Sieke, Erin / et al. 2013. Drivers of disordered eating in university students reporting vegetarian diets. Journal of Adolescent Health 52(2): S38-S39.
Taylor, Sunaura 2013. Vegans, Freaks, and Animals. Toward a New Table Fellowship. American Quarterly 65 (3): 757-764.
Vanham, Davy 2013. The water footprint of Austria for different diets. Water Science and Technology 67 (4): 824-30.
Vanham, Davy / Mekonnen, M. M. / Hoekstra, Arjen 2013. The water footprint of the EU for different diets. Ecological Indicators 32: 1-8.
Visak, Tatjana 2013. Killing Happy Animals: An Exploration in Utilitarian Ethics. Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan.
Visak, Tatjana / Leuven, Joost 20103. Ryder's Painism and His Criticism of Utilitarianism. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 26 (2): 409-419.
Weick, Sabine 2013. Jung, männlich, vegan. Warum junge Männer zu Veganern werden. Eine essbiografische Fallstudie (Masterarbeit). Stuttgart, Ibidem Verlag.
Wrenn, Corey Lee 2013. A Critique of Single-issue Campaigning and the Importance of Comprehensive Abolitionist Vegan Advocacy. Food, Culture and Society 16 (4): 651-668. (PDF besorgen!!)
Yeh, Hsin-Ye 2013. Boundaries, Entities, and Modern Vegetarianism: Examining the Emergence of the First Vegetarian. Qualitative Inquiry 19: 298-309.
Adams, Carol J. 2012. Finding necrophilia in meat eating. Mary Daly's evolving FemVeg perspective. Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 28(2): 93-98.
Bardone-Cone, Anna / et al. 2012. Inter-Relationships between Vegetarianism and Eating Disorders among Females. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics 112(8): 1247-1252.
Bastian, Brock / Loughnan, Steve / Haslam, Nick / Radke, Helena R. M. 2012. Don’t Mind Meat? The Denial of Mind to Animals Used for Human Consumption. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 38: 247-256. Cited in: Herrmann, Sebastian 2012.03.02. Psychologie und Ernährung. Warum Fleischesser Vegetarier anfeinden. Süddeutsche Zeitung
Bastian, Bastian / Costello, Kimberly / Loughnan, Steve / Hodson, Gordon 2012. When closing the human-animal divide expands moral concern: The importance of framing. Social Psychological and Personality Science 3: 421-429.
Beezhold, Bonnie L. / Johnston, Carol S. 2012. Short Report. Restriction of meat, fish, and poultry in omnivores improves mood. A pilot randomized controlled trial. Nutrition Journal 11(9): .
Bollhöfer, Michaela 2012/3. Vegetarismus (Teil 1) Bedeutung, Formen und ernährungsphysiologische Beurteilung. Ernährungs Umschau 59: 9-12.
Bollhöfer, Michaela 2012/4. Vegetarismus (Teil 1). Bedeutung, Formen und ernährungsphysiologische Beurteilung. Ernährungs Umschau 59: 13-16.
Butterfield, Max E. / et al. 2012. Mangy mutt or furry friend? Anthropomorphism promotes animal welfare. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 48(4): 957-960.
Crous, Marius 2012. Eben Venter as gewete van die vleiseters. Journal of Literary Studies 28(1): 69-79.
De Keyzer, Willem / et al. 2012. Nutritional quality and acceptability of a weekly vegetarian lunch in primary-school canteens in Ghent, Belgium: 'Thursday Veggie Day'. Public Health Nutrition 15: 2326-2330.
Devries, Juliana 2012. Making Choices. Ethics and Vegetarianism. Dissent 59(2): 39-41.
The Economist 2012.12.01 Putting og in the yurt, Vegetarians in Mongolia. Page 47.
Filippi, Massimo / et al. 2012. The "Vegetarian Brain": Chatting With Monkeys and Pigs? Brain Structure and Function: 10.1007/s00429-012-0455-9.
Forestell, Catherine A. / et al. 2012. To eat or not to eat red meat. A closer look at the relationship between restrained eating and vegetarianism in college females. Appetite 58: 319-325.
Francione, Gary L. 2012. Animal Welfare, Happy Meat, and Veganism as the Moral Baseline. In. Kaplan, David M. (Ed.). The Philosophy of Food. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press: 169-189.
Gallup 2012.07.26. In U.S., 5% Consider Themselves Vegetarians.
Gruber, Manuela 2012. Ernährungsverhalten im Wandel. Die Zukunft is(s)t Vegetarisch. Epikur Journal(1):
Harris, John Richard / Galvin, Richard 2012. Pass the Cocoamone, Please. Causal Impotence, Opportunistic Vegetarianism and Act-Utilitarianism. Ethics, Policy and Environment 15: 368-383.
Haverstock, Katie / Forgays, Deborah Kirby 2012. To eat or not to eat. A comparison of current and former animal product limiters. Appetite 58: 1030-1036.
Haynes, Richard P. 2012. The Myth of Happy Meat. In. Kaplan, David M. (Ed.). The Philosophy of Food. Berkeley, CA, University of California Press: 161-168.
Herzog, Harold A. 2012. Wir streicheln und wir essen sie: Unser paradoxes Verhältnis zu Tieren. München, Hanser.
Jefferson, Cord 2012.07.27. Kids These Days Are Not Interested in Vegetarianism. The Nation (USA).
Keller, Markus 2012. Von der Mode zur bewussten Haltung. Vegetarismus und andere alternative Ernährungskonzepte. In. Bartmann, Wolfgang (ed.). Not für die Welt. Ernährung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Gütersloh, Brockhaus: 252-281.
Lenz, Robin 2012. Reviewed Item: Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism Santa Barbara, CA, . Gastronomica 12(2): 18.
McEvoy, Claire T. / et al. 2012. Vegetarian diets, low-meat diets and health: A review. Public Health Nutrition 15: 2287-2294.
Medoro, Dana 2012. Reviewed Item: Preece, Rod 2008. Sins of the Flesh: A History of Ethical Vegetarian Thought. University of Toronto Quarterly 81(3): 665-666.
Menzies, Ken / Sheeshka, Judy 2012. The Process of Exiting Vegetarianism: An Exploratory Study. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 73(4): 163-168.
Michalak, Johannes / Zhang, Xiao Chi / Jacobi, Frank 2012. Vegetarian diet and mental disorders. results from a representative community survey. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 9(June)
Micheletti, Michele / Stolle, Dietlind 2012. Sustainable Citizenship and the New Politics of Consumption. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 644: 88-120.
Minson, Julia A. / Monin, Benoit 2012. Do-Gooder Derogation: Disparaging Morally Motivated Minorities to Defuse Anticipated Reproach. Social Psychological and Personality Science 3(2): 200-207. Cited in: Herrmann, Sebastian 2012.03.02.
Norcross, Alastair 2012. Puppies, Pigs, and Potency: A Response to Galvin and Harris. Ethics, Policy and Environment 15: 384-388.
Newcombe, Mark A. / Et al. 2012. "Eat like a man". A social constructionist analysis of the role of food in men's lives. Appetite 59: 391-398.
Overall, Christine 2012. "Never eat anything with a face": Ontology and ethics. Planning Theory 11(4): 336-342.
Popp, Alexander / Lotze-Campen, Hermann 2012. Klimaschutz an der Fleischtheke. Die globale erwärmung und die Rolle der Landwirtschaft. In. Bartmann, Wolfgang (ed.). Not für die Welt. Ernährung im Zeitalter der Globalisierung. Gütersloh, Brockhaus: 148-155.
Potter-Dunlop, Julie A. / Tse, Alice M. 2012. Dietary Issues Inpatients Face With Being Vegetarian. An Integrative Review. Holistic Nursing Practice 26: 30-37.
Romo, Lynsey Kluever / Donovan-Kicken, Erin 2012. "Actually, I Don't Eat Meat": A Multiple-Goals Perspective of Communication About Vegetarianism. Communication Studies 63(4): 405-420.
Rothgerber, Hank 2012. Real Men Don't Eat (Vegetable) Quiche: Masculinity and the Justification of Meat Consumption. Psychology of Men and Masculinity (November): doi: 10.1037/a0030379 (Cited in: Czepel, Robert 2012.12.19. Gemüse ist für Mädchen. ORF/Science)
Rozin, Paul / Hormes, Julia M. / Faith, Myles S. / Wansink, Brian 2012. Is meat male ? A Quantitative Multi-Method Framework to Establish Metaphoric Relationships. Journal of Consumer Research 39(3): 629-643.
Ruby, Matthew 2012. Research Review Vegetarianism. A blossoming field of study. Appetite 58: 141-150.
Rudy, Kathy 2012. Locavores, Feminism, and the Question of Meat. Journal of American Culture 35(1): 26-36.
Saja, Krzysztof 2012. The moral footprint of animal products. Agriculture and Human Values 29 (Oktober): 10.1007/s10460-012-9402-x
Schmidinger, Kurt / Stehfest, Elke 2012. Including CO2 implications of land occupation in LCAs-method and example for livestock products. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17(6): 962-972.
Schösler, Hanna / et al. 2012. Can we cut out the meat of the dish? Constructing consumer-oriented pathways towards meat substitution. Appetite 58: 39-47.
Sebastian, Marcel 2012. Conference Review. "Eating Meat. The Social Relationship of Humans and Animals and the Meaning of Meat." Conference Organized by the Group for Society and Animals Studies at the University of Hamburg, July 2011. Journal for Critical Animal Studies 10(1): 160-162 +
Shprintzen, Adam D. 2012. Looks Like Meat, Smells Like Meat, Tastes Like Meat: Battle Creek, Protose and the Making of Modern American Vegetarianism. Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research 15(1): 113-128.
Timko, C. A. / et. al. 2012. Will the real vegetarian please stand up? An investigation of dietary restraint and eating disorder symptoms in vegetarians versus non-vegetarians. Appetite 58: 982-990.
Traini, Christophe 2012. Between Disgust And Moral Outrage: Sociogenesis Of An Activist Practice. Revue francaise de science politique 62: 559-581.
Wakeman, Rob 2012. "Beastly Understanding": Margaret Cavendish's Feminist-Vegetarian Scientific Thought" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting,
Webb, Stephen H. 2012. The chicken and the bath water: Exploring a basic limit to the vegetarian ideal. Expository Times 12: 573-580.
Almassi, Ben 2011. The Consequences of Individual Consumption. A Defence of Threshold Arguments for Vegetarianism and Consumer Ethics. Journal of Applied Philosophy 28(4): 396-411.
Bibel, Barbara 2011. Reviewed Item: Puskar. Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism Santa Barbara, CA. Booklist 107(9/10): 117.
Bilewicz, Michal / Imhoff, Roland / Drogosz, Marek 2011. Research article. The humanity of what we eat: Conceptions of human uniqueness among vegetarians and omnivores. European Journal of Social Psychology 41: 201-209
Boyle, Joseph E. 2011. Becoming vegetarian. The eating patterns and accounts of newly practicing vegetarians. Food and Foodways 19(4): 314-333.
Bratanova, Boyka / Loughnan, Steve / Bastian, Brock 2011. The effect of categorization as food on the perceived moral standing of animals. Appetite 57: 193-196.
Ciocchetti, Christopher 2011. Veganism and Living Well. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 24.
Cole, Matthew / Morgan, Karen 2011. Vegaphobia: derogatory discourses of veganism and the reproduction of speciesism in UK national newspaper. British Journal of Sociology 61(1): 134-153.
Cole, Matthew 2011. From 'animal machines' to 'happy meat'? Foucault's ideas of disciplinary and pastoral power applied to 'animal-centred' welfare discourse. Animals 1(1): 83-101 Online at:
Cole, Matthew / Morgan, Karen 2011. The discursive representation of nonhuman animals in a culture of denial. In. Carter, Bob / Charles, Nickie (eds.). Humans and Other Animals: Critical Perspectives. Basingstoke, Hampshire, Palgrave Macmillan: 112-132.
Cole, Matthew / Morgan, Karen 2011. Veganism contra speciesism: Beyond debate (Special Issue: Animals in Human Societies). The Brock Review 12(1): 144-163
Dieteren, Fia 2011. The animal-free food. A vegetarian history of the Netherlands. BMGN: The Low Countries Historical Review 126(3): 118-120 See also: Dieteren, Fia 2009. Het dierloze gerecht. Een vegetarische geschiedenis van Nederland (Dissertatie Utrecht). Amsterdam, Boom.
Häußler, Angela 2011. Dimension Gesellschaft: Fleisch essen aus sozialer und kultureller Perspektiven. In. Hoffmann, Ingrid / Schneider, Katja / Leitzmann, Claus (Ed.). Ernährungsökologie: Komplexen Herausforderungen integrativ begegnen. München, Oekom Verlag: 63-75.
Herzog, Harold A. 2011.06.20. Why Do Most Vegetarians Go Back To Eating Meat? For most people, vegetarianism is temporary phase. Why? Psychology Today:
Hoek, Annet C. / et al. 2011. Replacement of meat by meat substitutes. A survey on person- and product-related factors in consumer acceptance. Appetite 56: 662-673.
Izmirli, Serdar / Phillips, Clive J.C. 2011. The relationship between student consumption of animal products and attitudes to animals in Europe and Asia. British Food Journal 113(3): 436.
Matheson, Neill 2011. Thoreau's Inner Animal. Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory 67(4): 1-26.
Ploeger, Angelika / Hirschfelder, Gunther / Schönberger, Gesa (eds.) 2011. Die Zukunft auf dem Tisch. Analysen, Trends und Perspektiven der Ernährung von morgen. Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
Ruby, Matthew / Heine, Steven 2011. Meat, morals, and masculinity. Appetite 56: 447-450.
Thivissen, Patricia 2011. Vegetarier - eine Spezies für sich? Psychologie Heute(6): 32-37.
Barnes-Holmes, Dermot / et al. 2010. Using The Implicit Association Test And The Implicit Relational Assessment Procedure To Measure Attitudes Toward Meat And Vegetables In Vegetarians And Meat-Eaters. The Psychological Record 60: 287-306.
Bilewicz, Michal / Imhoff, Roland / Drogosz, Marek 201. Research article. The humanity of what we eat: Conceptions of human uniqueness among vegetarians and omnivores. European Journal of Social Psychology 41: 201-209
Filippi, Massimo / et al. 2010. The Brain Functional Networks Associated to Human and Animal Suffering Differ among Omnivores, Vegetarians and Vegans. e10847.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010847. PLos ONE 5(5).
Fitzgerald, Amy J. 2010. A Social History of the Slaughterhouse: From Inception to Contemporary Implications. Human Ecology Review 17(1): 58-69.
Freeman, Carrie Packwood 2010. Framing Animal Rights in the "Go Veg" Campaigns of US Animal Rights Organizations. Society and Animals 18(2): 163-182.
Freeman, Carrie Packwood 2010. Meat's Place on the Campaign Menu: How US Environmental Discourse Negotiates Vegetarianism. Environmental Communication 4(3): 255-276.
Goodland, Robert 2010. The Overlooked Climate Solution. Journal of Human Security 6(3): 50-60.
Fudge, Erica 2010. Why it's easy being a vegetarian. Textual Practice 24(1): 149-166.
Haynes, Richard P. 2008. Reviewed Item: Sapontzis, Steve F. (2004). Food for Thought. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 21(1): 99-105.
Hussar, Karen M. / Harris, Paul L. 2010. Children Who Choose Not to Eat Meat: A Study of Early Moral Decision-making. Social Development 19(3): 627-641.
LeBlanc, Ronald D. 2010. Reviewed Item: Preece, Rod 2008. Sins of the Flesh: A History of Ethical Vegetarian Thought. Vancouver, B.C., University of British Columbia Press. Gastronomica 10(3): 114-116.
Loughnan, Steve / Haslam, Nick / Bastian, Brock 2010. The role of meat consumption in the denial of moral status and mind to meat animals. Appetite 55: 156-159.
Nath, Jemal 2010. 'God is a vegetarian': the food, health and bio-spirituality of Hare Krishna, Buddhist and Seventh-Day Adventist devotees. Health Sociology Review 19(3): 356-368.
Potts, Annie / Parry, Jovian 2010. Vegan Sexuality: Challenging Heteronormative Masculinity through Meat-free Sex. Feminism & Psychology 20(1): 53-72.
Ritvo, Harriet 2010. Review: Gregory, James 2007. Of Victorians and Vegetarians. The Vegetarian Movement in Nineteenth-Century Britain. (Dissertation). London, Tauris. English Historical Review 125(513): 460-462.
van der Kooi, Merle E. 2010. The Inconsistent Vegetarian. Society and Animals 18(3): 291-305.
Deckers, Jan 2009. Vegetarianism, Sentimental or Ethical? Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22(6): 573-597.
DeGrazia, David 2009. Moral Vegetarianism from a Very Broad Basis. Journal of Moral Philosophy 6(2): 143-165.
Fitzgerald, Amy J. / Kalof, Linda / Dietz, Thomas 2009. Slaughterhouses and Increased Crime Rates: An Empirical Analysis of the Spillover From "The Jungle" into the Surrounding Area. Organization and Environment 22(2): 158-184.
Gross, Joan 2009. Capitalism and Its Discontents: Back-to-the-Lander and Freegan Foodways in Rural Oregon. Food and Foodways 17: 57-79.
Herzog, Harold A. / Golden, Lauren L. 2009. Moral Emotions and Social Activism: The Case of Animal Rights. Journal of Social Issues 65(3): 485-498.
Kloppenburg, Inken (ed.) 2009. Der große Larousse Gastronomique. Das Standardwerk für Küche, Kochkunst, Esskultur. 4000 Einträge, 1700 Fotos, 2500 Rezepte. München, Christian-Verlag. (Seite 900: Vegane Kost und Vegetarismus).
Kokeny, Tibor 2009. The History of Vegetarianism in Hungary (Original Title: A magyarorszagi veget arizmus tortenete). Tarsadalomkutatas 27(2): 203-225.
Korzen, Sara / Lassen, J. 2009. Meat in context. On the relation between perceptions and contexts. Appetite 54: 274-281.
Krämer, Hans Martin 2009. “Not Befitting Our Divine Country”: Eating Meat in Japanese Discourses of Self and Other from the Seventeenth Century to the Present. Food and Foodways 16(1): 32-62.
Nobis, Nathan 2009. The 'Babe' Vegetarians: Bioethics, Animal Minds and Moral Methodology. In: Shapshay, Sandra (Hg.). Bioethics at the Movies. Baltimore, MD, Johns Hopkins University Press: 56-74.
Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. 2009. Review: Gregory, James 2007. Of Victorians and Vegetarians. The Vegetarian Movement in Nineteenth-Century Britain. (Dissertation). London, Tauris. Journal of British Studies 48(2): 534-536.
Sneijder, Petra / te Molder, H. 2009. Normalizing ideological food choice and eating practices. Identity work in online discussions on veganism. Appetite 52: 621-630.
Spaeth, A. M. 2009. Eating behavior and lifestyle characteristics within a sample of vegetarian and non-vegetarian university students. Appetite 52(3): 859.
Stockburger, Jessica / et al. 2009. Vegetarianism and food perception. Selective visual attention to meat pictures. Appetite 52(2): 513-516.
Walton, John K. 2009. Reviewed Item: Gregory, James 2007. Of Victorians and Vegetarians. The Vegetarian Movement in Nineteenth-Century Britain. (Dissertation). London, Tauris. Journal of Social History 42(3): 813-814.
Bauberot, Arnaud 2008. Hygienic Reform Project of Lifestyle: Naturists and Vegetarians during the Belle Epoque. French Politics, Culture and Society 26(3): 1 -22.
Boyle, Joseph E. 2008. Becoming vegetarian: An analysis of the vegetarian career using an integrated model of deviance. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences 68(10): 4485.
Cole, Matthew 2008. Asceticism and hedonism in research discourses of veg*anism. British Food Journal 110(6-7): 706-716.
Dyczewska, Agnieszka 2008. Vegetarianism as an Example of Dispersed Religiosity. Implicit Religion 11(2): 111-125.
Fox, Nick / Ward, Katie 2008. Health, ethics and environment: A qualitative study of vegetarian motivations. Appetite 50: 422-429
Fox, Nick / Ward, Katie 2008. You are what you eat? Vegetarianism, health and identity. Social Science & Medicine 50: 422-429.
Marcus, Paul 2008. Victory through vegetables: Self-mastery through a vegetarian way of life. Psychoanalytic Review 95(1): 61-77.
Potts, Annie / White, Mandala 2008. New Zealand Vegetarians: At Odds with Their Nation. Society and Animals 16(4): 336-353.
Preece, Rod 2008. Sins of the Flesh: A History of Ethical Vegetarian Thought. Vancouver, B.C., University of British Columbia Press.
Stull, Donald D. / Broadway, Michael J. 2008. "I'll Do Whatever you Want, but it Hurts": Worker Safety and Community Health in Modern Meatpacking. Labor: Studies in Working-Class History of the Americas 5(2): 27-37.
Vinnari, Markus / et al. 2008. Identifying vegetarians and their food consumption according to self-identification and operationalized definition in Finland. Public Health Nutrition 12(4): 481-488.
Warren, Mary Anne 2008. Sollten alle Menschen Vegetarier werden? (Original 1997, Moral Status.). In: Wolf, Ursula. Texte zur Tierethik. Stuttgart, Reclam.
Wicks, Deidre 2008. Humans, Food and Other Animals: The Vegetarian Option. In: Germov, John / Williams, Lauren (eds.). A Sociology of Food and Nutrition: The Social Appetite. Third Edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 281-306.
Bailey, Cathryn 2007. We Are What We Eat: Feminist Vegetarianism and the Reproduction of Racial Identity. Hypatia 22(2): 39-59.
Frank, Joshua 2007. Meat as a bad habit: A case for positive feedback in consumption preferences leading to lock-in. Review of Social Economy 65(3): 319-348.
Gale, Catharine R. / et al. 2007. IQ in childhood and vegetarianism in adulthood: 1970 British cohort study. British Medical Journal 334(7587): 245-249 see also Editorial. BMJ 2007; 334: 216-7 Childhood intelligence and being a vegetarian.
Houwer, Jan De / Bruycker, Els De 2007. Implicit attitudes towards meat and vegetables in vegetarians and nonvegetarians. International Journal of Psychology 42(3): 158-1
Lamey, Andy 2007. Food Fight! Davis versus Regan on the Ethics of Eating Beef. Journal of Social Philosophy 38(2): 331-348.
Nibert, David 2007. The Promotion of "Meat" and its Consequences. In: Kalof, Linda / Fitzgerald, Amy J. (eds.). The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings. Oxford, Berg: 182-189.
Saunders, Jennifer B. 2007. 'I don't eat meat'. Contributions to Indian Sociology 41(2): 203-223.
Audebert, Olivier / Deiss, Veronique / Rousset, Sylvie 2006. Hedonism as a predictor of attitudes of young French women towards meat. Appetite 46: 239-247.
Benbow, Heather Merle 2006. "Was auf den Tisch kam, mußte aufgegessen […] werden": Food, Gender, and Power in Kafka's Letters and Stories. German Quarterly 79(3): 347-365.-
Chartier, Gary 2006. On the Threshold Argument against Consumer Meat Purchases. Journal of Social Philosophy 37(2): 233-249.
Cherry, Elizabeth 2006. Veganism as a Cultural Movement: A Relational Approach. Social Movement Studies 5(2): 155-170.
Christensen, Larry / Brooks, Alisa 2006. Changing Food Preference as a Function of Mood. Journal of Psychology 140(4): 293-306
Copelton, Denise A. 2006. Reviewed Item: Maurer, Donna 2002. Vegetarianism. Movement or Moment? Philadelphia, PA, Temple University Press. Food and Foodways 41: 55-58.
Curtis, Morgan J. / Comer, Lisa K. 2006. Vegetarianism, dietary restraint and feminist identity. Eating Behaviors 7(2): 91-104.
Dunham, Laurie / Kollar, Linda M. 2006. Vegetarian Eating for Children and Adolescents. Journal of Pediatric Health Care 20(1): 27-34.
Fisak, B. / et al. 2006. Challenging previous conceptions of vegetarianism and eating disorders. Eating and Weight Disorders 11(4): 195-200.
Hamilton, Malcolm 2006. Eating death: vegetarianism, meat and violence. Food, Culture & Society 9(2): 155-177.
Hamilton, Jill 2006. Disgust reactions to meat among ethically and health motivated vegetarians. Ecology of Food and Nutrition 45(2): 125-158.
Hollander, David 2006. Too Smart to Eat? Gastronomica 6(3): 52-59.
Iacobbo, Karen / Iacobbo, Michael 2006. Vegetarians and Vegans in America Today: American Subcultures. Westport, CT, Praeger.
Martín-i-Pardo, Meritxell 2006. Colombo cabri or vegetarian meal: wherein lies the power? Anthropology of Food. 5(Mai). Online paper
Morris, Carol / Kirwan, James 2006. Vegetarians: Uninvited, Uncomfortable or Special Guests at the Table of the Alternative Food Economy? Sociologia Ruralis 46: 192-213.
Simmonds, Tara 2006. An Exploration of the Sprout: The Complex Nature of Food and Ideology in a Vegetarian Restaurant. Culture et tradition. 28: 82-99.
Alewaeters, K. / et al. 2005. Cross-sectional analysis of BMI and some lifestyle variables in Flemish vegetarians compared with non-vegetarians. Ergonomics 48(11-14): 1433-1444.
Bas, Murat / et al. 2005. Vegetarianism and eating disorders: Association between eating attitudes and other psychological factors among Turkish adolescents. Appetite 44(3): 309-315.
Larsson, Christel L. / Johansson, Gunnar K. 2005. Research and Professional Briefs. Young Swedish Vegans Have Different Sources of Nutrients than Young Omnivores. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 105(9): 1438-144.
Lucas, Sheri 2005. A Defense of the Feminist-Vegetarian Connection. Hypatia 20(1): 150-177.
Roth, LuAnne K. 2005. Beef. Its What’s for Dinner: Vegetarians, Meat-eaters, and the Negotiation of Familial Relationships. Food, Culture & Society 8: 182-200.
Schedler, George 2005. Does Ethical Meat Eating Maximize Utility? Social Theory and Practice 31(4): 499-511.
Schwarz, Thomas 2005. Veganismus und das ‚Recht der Tiere’.. In: Breyvogel, Wilfried (Hg.). Eine Einführung in Jugendkulturen. Veganismus und Tattoos. Wiesbaden, VS Verlag: 69-163.
Sneijder, Petra 2005. Moral logic and logical morality. Attributions of responsibility and blame in online discourse on veganism. Discourse & Society 16(5): 675-696.
Sobal, Jeffery 2005. Men, meat, and marriage: Models of masculinity. Food and Foodways 13: 135–158.
Beardsworth, Alan / Bryman, Alan 2004. Meat Consumption and Meat Avoidance Among Young People. An Eleven Year Longitudinal Study. British Food Journal 106(4): 313-327.
Hoek, Annet C. / et al. 2004. Food-related lifestyle and health attitudes of Dutch vegetarians, non-vegetarian consumers of meat substitutes, and meat consumers. Appetite 42: 265–272.
Norcross, Alastair 2004. Puppies, Pigs, and People: Eating Meat and Marginal Cases. Nous-Supplement: Philosophical Perspectives 18: 229-245.
Smart, Andrew 2004. Adrift in the mainstream: challenges facing the UK vegetarian movement. British Food Journal 106(2): 79 - 92.
Wilson, Marc Stewart / et al. 2004. A Rhetorical Approach to Discussions about Health and Vegetarianism. Journal of Health Psychology 9(4): 567-581.
York, Richard 2004. Humanity and inhumanity - Toward a sociology of the slaughterhouse. Organization and Environment 17(2): 260-265
Zamir, Tzachi 2004. Veganism. Journal of Social Philosophy 35(3): 367-379.
Gastronomica 2003. Rumblings from the World of Food: Lists vegetarian restaurants found in Paris. Gastronomica 3(4).
Fessler, Daniel / et al. 2003. Disgust sensitivity and meat consumption: a test of an emotivist account of moral vegetarianism. Appetite 41: 31-41.
Gossard, Marcia Hill / York, Richard 2003. Social Structure Influences on Meat Consumption. Human Ecology Review 10: 1-9.
Haddad, Ella H. / Tanzman, Jay S. 2003. What do vegetarians in the United States eat? American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 78(3): 626S-632S.
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